J’ai créé ce poisson bleu inventé en m’inspirant du poisson blackmoor. Il faisait partie d’un projet de plan de séquence, réalisé pendant mes études à l’UQAT. C’était ma première expérience dans Substance Painter et de shading. J’ai beaucoup appris et je me suis bien amusée à le faire.
I created this imaginary blue fish inspired by the blackmoor fish. It was part of a sequence shot project, realized during my studies at UQAT. It was my first attempt in Substance Painter and into the shading work. I learned a lot and had fun doing it.

Crédits/Credits :
Antoine Delauney : Modeling, Texturing, Shading pink fish – Photogrammetry (the head) – Lighting – Compositing.
Ève Brunet-Marx : Modeling, Texturing, Shading blue fish
Etienne St-Pierre : Animation – Layout, Modeling – Aquarium
Hugo Loiseleux : Acting – Riging -Compositing.
Violette Grange : Shooting
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